Welcome to The Aurora Chamber of Commerce Blog
Welcome to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce Blog! We thought we would start with a quick read on how to connect with us at Aurora Chamber of Commerce.

How to Connect with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce.
How can you connect with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce? There are many different ways to meet everyone’s needs.
Networking Opportunities
Did you know that the chamber along with local businesses hosts an after hours networking event monthly? This is a free opportunity to meet new potential customers and find vendors that can support your business. We hope to see you there! Check out our monthly calendar for the location and date of our after hours networking events at https://business.allaboutaurora.com/events/calendar
For 2020, we will be implementing All About Your Business-“Bagels & Brew” a round-table discussion for local business owners and managers. Discussions focus on issues important to Chamber members and the small business community. Each meeting will be specific to a business industry. The goal is it to keep it conversational and informal at each Bagels & Brew. Our first meeting is scheduled for March 13th, 2020. Check the Chamber’s calendar for more information on these quarterly meetings at https://business.allaboutaurora.com/events/calendar
Connect with us on Social Media
If you’re not an in-person net-worker you can connect with us online. Tag us on social media. We can be found on Twitter-https://twitter.com/allaboutaurora @allaboutaurora or on Instagram–https://www.instagram.com/auroraohiochamberofcommerce #aurorohioachamberofcommerce or on facebook at- https://www.facebook.com/AllAboutAurora and be part of the dialog. Social media is where things are happening, and the Chamber’s Facebook page is where we share info with the Aurora community and beyond. If you have a social media site we will follow you. Don’t forget to like, follow and share with us on Facebook!
Aurora Chamber Website
Similarly, another online option for engagement is a robust listing in the Chamber’s online business directory. Access the directory from the main navigation bar on the Chamber website, https://www.allaboutaurora.com/ under MEMBERS >MEMBER DIRECTORY >MEMBER NEWS. Did you know that as a member you and your business may self-post many types of descriptive content for display on the web? Hence, you may self-post your company news, job openings, free events you’re hosting, member to member discounts, social media links, hours of operation, directions to your office and so much more.
We are always looking for events and news as it relates to our Chamber Members to share on our social media sites!
Join a Committee
If you prefer small groups and a specific subject matter why not join a Chamber committee? Participation with a committee allows you to network with like-minded business leaders, learn new stuff and support the Chamber. These committees consist of: Awards, Membership, Pro-Business/Tourism/Business Advocacy and AWIN (Aurora Women in Networking). For more information on the committees visit our website at https://www.allaboutaurora.com/chamber-committees/ .
Certainly, there is no reason why you can’t take control of your involvement! You can get involved as much or little as you prefer. We are always willing to lend a hand in all your preferred ways to get to involved with our Chamber.
Join in the discussion
As we continue on with our new Chamber Blog we are inviting our members to contribute to the discussion. Consequently, if you have a written piece that is informational to our community you can submit the article to assitant@allaboutaurora.com for consideration on our Aurora Chamber of Commerce Blog site.
Thank you and welcome to our blog!